B12 Shots

doctor holding an injection

Orange County Mobile IV Therapy can administer B12 Shots to patients all over Orange County. CA. Vitamin B12 shots can be described as an injection that a doctor may prescribe to a patient that suffers from a vitamin B12 deficiency, especially when a person’s body has trouble absorbing the vitamin naturally.

Symptoms that a person has a vitamin B12 deficiency

If you have any signs and symptoms that you may feel is due to a vitamin B12 deficiency, you must consult with your doctor. Here are some of the signs and symptoms that you can watch for if you ever suspect that you or a loved one may suffer from this deficiency. Signs and symptoms will include, weight loss, mood changes, low appetite, constipation, pale skin, fatigue, trouble remembering and thinking, a sore tongue, heart palpitations, and dementia. If you experience any of the signs or symptoms or even other signs, then you need to see your doctor, who will provide you with an accurate diagnosis and decide on a treatment.

Benefits of Vitamin B12 shots

A doctor will need to prescribe the vitamin B12 shot after monitoring you and your levels of vitamin B12. Once you receive a prescription for the shot, you will see that it has a lot of benefits. Vitamin B12 reduces the risk of heart disease, vision loss, infertility, stroke, and many others. Your doctor will discuss why they need to prescribe you the Vitamin B12 shot, and what effects it will have on you and your overall health. Your doctor will also discuss the risks with you before prescribing the vitamin B12 shot. Our qualified nurses will also be able to give you more information and will discuss any concerns that you may have with you.

Who needs shots of vitamin B12?

To get a vitamin B12 shot, you need to first see a doctor who will first diagnose you, and if need be, the doctor will prescribe vitamin B12 shots for you. Low levels of vitamin B12 are rare in healthy adults because the liver stores vitamin B12 over time. However, some people do suffer from vitamin b12 deficiency and will require the shot. Once you receive the prescription from your doctor for the vitamin B12 shot, you can contact us, and we can administer the shot for you.

Our service

Orange County Mobile IV Therapy can administer the vitamin B12 shot for you or a family member at a low cost. When you call us for this service, we will require a prescription from your doctor, as vitamin B12 cannot be administered without a prescription. When we have this prescription we will set up dates and times with you, as well as a place that is convenient for you. Our registered nurse will also guide you through any after-effects that the vitamin B12 shot may cause, they will also advise if you need to see your doctor because of the side effects. Our nurses are caring and compassionate, and you will receive professional services.


Benefits of Vitamin B12 Shots

Orange County Mobile IV Therapy cannot wait to hear from you, and we cannot wait to show you our range of IV therapy services. You can contact us by calling us on the numbers that we have provided on our website’s contact page. You can even book IV therapy services in advance via email, our email address can also be found on our contact page. When we receive emails, we reply with a confirmation email, just so you know that you have not been left out of our amazing mobile services.

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